6. Develop a detailed work plan:
You need to develop a detailed work plan before starting the project. Your plan should specify:
Scope of work:
For example, in a factory building project, the scope of work should specify the size of the factory, production capacity, and transportation capabilities to ensure a clear and measurable scope.
For example, the schedule should specify details about the duration of each stage of the project, such as material procurement time, construction time, and testing and safety execution time.
For example, budget details should include all costs, such as material costs, labor costs, service fees, and all costs associated with the project. Additionally, consideration should be given to surveying possible expenses and allocating the budget in a way that is friendly to financial strength.
Resource identification should consider the provision of personnel with the appropriate knowledge and skills, the readiness of equipment used in the project, and the procurement of materials that are of good quality and sufficient for the work in progress.